I haven't been able to get very far with the cloth diapering.. I'm hoping that I'll have everything washed and ready to go by tomorrow night. One wash/dry cycle down, three more to go. But, I do have a picture of my new goodies.. It's kind of dark, but I'm starting with a combination of flips, BumGenius pockets, and last night, I spent another $50 on some BG all-in-ones, which I am very excited to try, because I've heard nothing but great things about them. When I first started my adventures in cloth diapering, I wondered how people could possibly get "addicted" to CD'ing.. "They're friggin' diapers," I would think to myself. I digress, because I cannot stop looking at/purchasing new diapers. And this is just the beginning...
Hopefully, my next post will include a picture of Maddie's cute little bummy bum in one of her new dipes.
For now, I'm going to write about a more serious matter: How having a new baby is like having the plague.
I knew my social life would be different after having a baby, but I had no idea that it would be non-existent. Most of my friends want nothing to do with babies, so they've slowly crept out of my life. I guess I can understand, because I never liked children before Maddie, but I never treated my friends with children like they were diseased. That's how I feel most of my old friends are treating me right now. The few friends of mine with children have babies much older than mine. I think sometimes they forget how difficult it is to have an infant, and most of the time, they assume I can pick up everything and take baby wherever, whenever. It's not like that, and it doesn't help that Maddie is considered "high maintenance." So most of my time is spent inside (it's been 100+ degrees outside for several weeks now, and Maddie gets heat rash very easily), with Maddie. Don't get me wrong.. I adore my daughter and I love every minute of being with her, but I am dying for some adult interaction. I do work weekends bartending, but my job is actually kind of miserable, and I don't have much time to socialize. Not to mention that Danny and I have yet to go on any sort of date night. We NEED it, but I feel awful asking anyone to come babysit, which is weird, because both of our families live within fifteen minutes of us. Maybe it'd be easier to ask someone if we actually got to see our families more than once every few weeks. Either way, I'm hoping this passes.. I'm not upset about it, and I wouldn't trade Maddie for anything in this world, but it's kind of a bummer. And Nothing can compare to hangin' out with this lil lady all day..
"I don't care if you don't like babies. I'm still stinkin' cute!"
I'm sorry your friends are sucking. I know how important adult interaction is. We got Pregnant about 6 months after a major transplant from Atlanta to...West Virginia. It was as isolating as it sounds. Not to mention I am a SAHM so I never get that work interaction either.
ReplyDeleteWe had to move in with Jakes parents, and I really think being around his mom has saved my life!! My friends are all out of state but have gone out of their way to be supportive and even visit. They make an effort to involve themselves in Winona's life, even though babies are foreign to them and they still party mostly.
But I'm a very extroverted person who has always relied deeply upon my relationships with my friends. Specifically my girlfriends. I go to a meeting once a month with other moms. It's kind of a hangout time, playmate of sorts with other like-minded moms. You should try to plug into a network like that. There is usually something like that centered around natural birth/midewifery/doulas. I say that because those moms cloth diaper.
I hope it gets better for you!!
I was actually telling my husband that I need to go to a mommy & me type of meet up.. You're lucky that you have family to rely on! I think that might be the worst part of all of this.. I have two older brothers and a younger sister who all live in Omaha, and yet, I only see them once in a blue moon now.. We've always been an extremely close-knit family, so it kills me that no one ever comes to visit anymore.. I'm hoping this will all change in time, once Maddie gets a little older and can be out of the house for more than two hours without needing a nap.. But for now, I'm counting my blessings.. I have an amazingly supportive and helpful husband, and my beautiful, wonderful daughter, who is growing faster than I could've imagined. And with that, life is good! =]
ReplyDeleteOh Joc I can come visit you sometime! I'm used to high maintainance babies since I work at a daycare. I'm sure she's up to par with what I'm used to. But she is way cuter than my daycare kids :)
ReplyDeleteAwww I would love that. I'm seriously always home, so whenever you'd like, just give me a call/text!! <3
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. I had oldest when I was 22 and most of my friends didn't have babies and didn't understand what my life was like. I think it really shows who the true friends in your life are.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely!! & it's okay, because one day, they'll realize that babies are wonderful little gifts... Not screaming, pooping monsters.. Well.. Sometimes they're not.. ;)