We've been cloth diapering since Saturday. On Friday night, I couldn't sleep, because I was anxious about how our first day would go. I have zero friends or family who have cloth diapered, so there was no one to call and ask, "am I doing this right?" I was also scared that I would hate it, and that the hassle would be far worse than the money/landfills saved. I was totally going to screw this up. Everyone who said, "this is a really stupid idea," was going to be right, and I was going go back to disposables like a dog with her tail between her legs (can you tell I'm a huge pessimist?)
So, we started with the flips during the day. They were easy enough... Liner goes in cover, throw dirty liner in pail, wipe cover, repeat. It was so simple. I couldn't figure out why I had been so nervous about it. At night, we use BumGenius pockets with the newborn insert as a doubler. No leaks so far. I'm really loving my decision to switch. We did our first load of diaper laundry today, and we're diapering full time. So basically, we do 2 extra loads of laundry each week. Easy. Plus, how freakin' adorable is this little bum?
"Isn't my booty just the CUTEST?!"
But, we have yet to clean a poo poo diaper. We'll see how I feel about this in the morning when she hopefully (fingers crossed) poops. Which brings me to my next subject: constipation. I'm fairly sure Maddie is constipated (again), so we have to start giving her poop juice (again). Ever since Mads was three months old, she's had tummy issues: reflux, constipation, stomach flu, milk protein allergy, etc. She takes Zantac for the reflux and was taking a 1 ounce bottle of prune juice each day for about two weeks. Ever since about 3.5 months, we've had no issues. I was even able to add dairy back into my diet with no problems. Well, tonight, she woke up SCREAMING, just a few hours after we put her down. After trying tummy massage and leg pumps (which made the screaming far worse..), we gave her some poop juice, watched a Wiggles video (the hot potato song is fucking hilarious & she likes the pretty colors), and then I nursed her back to sleep. I'm hoping that there will be a poop in her diaper tomorrow.
Which brings me to my NEXT subject: since when do I watch the Wiggles and pray for poop? I seriously spent 20 minutes singing along and dancing like a jackass tonight.. But it made her laugh for a second, even though she was feeling miserable. I said to Danny, "a year ago, I couldn't have ever imagined myself doing this.. Ever." It's funny how I've stopped caring about acting "cool" or not embarrassing myself. Even so, Maddie thinks I'm the COOLEST, and that's all I'm concerned about anymore. And as far as praying for poop goes? Well, if you have kids, you understand that there's nothing you want more in life than for your child to happy. When your child is in pain, you'd change a million poopy diapers if it means she'll be happy again.
In other news, I was sure Danny was going to break both our TV & his iPhone today. Somehow, when he was updating/syncing his phone, it came unplugged and erased everything on the phone. We were majorly bummed, because he didn't back up his pictures, and he had some of the only pictures of Maddie's birth (to my knowledge, at least). These were pictures I hadn't seen before, so I was extremely disappointed. About five minutes after it happened, as he was talking about how much he hates the iPhone (blah blah blah.. I hear this about eight times a day, because he has "fat fingers" and if always autocorrects him incorrectly), an iPhone commercial was on the TV. At that moment, I was sure he was going to lose it. It's like the technology gods were rubbing it in his face even more.. But, unbeknownst to him, his iTunes had already backed up his pictures, and after a few hours, we were able to restore everything on the phone. So, I'm going to leave you all with these amazing first moments of Maddie's life (which subsequently have been double backed up):
Top left: My last belly shot. I don't remember this, but I do remember everyone bugging me to do one with my gown up.. Nope.. Looked like a tiger clawed my belly. Wasn't happening. Top right: gettin' her stats on. Bottom left: Looking for a boob to suck. Bottom right: Daddy's first time holding Maddie
I'm glad your cloth diapering experience is going well. If you have any questions and stuff feel free to hit me up on IG and maybe I can help! i love your blog btw.